Dr. Ali Thaeer Hammid
This small hydropower plant is located in Diyala, Iraq, and serves to produce electrical power for feeding power to the people beside it. Measurements of the parameters that include net head, flow rate, and power production have been collected over a 10-year period, and the obtained data were from January 1, 2005, to December 31, 2015. This duration was properly acceptable, and it includes all seasons, which cover all the different possibilities in the work variables because all the historical data are taken out on a daily basis. These historical data have been brought and checked by two ministries (the two ministries of water resources and electricity in Iraq), since dams and hydropower plants are related fields between these ministries. Thus, the data used is reliable due to being checked from two specific destinations. All data is used carefully, and there is no deletion or negligible for any raw data except the little days indicated for cut-off power transmission lines that are not exceeded by one month collectively, and the data not taken into consideration is not noted. The chosen dam covered a range of stable irrigation channels and drains with flow rates of water ranging from 8 m3/s to 175 m3/s. The net head of the turbine is 14.17 to 29.84 metres, and power production is from 0 to 44,000 KW. On the other hand, the value of zero generation was due to a very few maintenance workers that are less mature in power production safety, and they leave the turbine works as a default with no power production and water flow through them for very few periods.
Optimal Long-Term Hydro Generation Scheduling of Small Hydropower Plant (SHP) using Metaheuristic Algorithm in Himreen Lake Dam.
by : Hammid, A.T.; Sulaiman, M.H. Published : Published In Proceedings of the MATEC Web of Conferences, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28–30 November 2017 |
Series division method based on PSO and FA to optimize Long-Term Hydro Generation Scheduling.
by : Hammid, A.T.; Sulaiman, M.H.B. Sustain. Published : Energy Technol. Assess. 2018, 29, 106–118 |
Robust firefly algorithm with backpropagation neural networks for solving hydrogeneration prediction.
by : Hammid, A.T.; Sulaiman, M.H.B.; Awad, O.I.A Published : Electr. Eng. 2018, 100, 2617–2633. |
Citation No.: 3
Views No.: 10
Himreen Lake Dam ; HLD ; Hydropower Generation ;
Submitted in 2022
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