Faisal Ghazi Saber
The information from the laboratory of the Kirkuk unified water treatment plant used in this thesis starts from the first day of the year 2010 and is collected , for a period of two years and a half. This information is in the form of tests for raw water and water output from the sedimentation basins and water output from filtration. In addition, the amount of ALUM added to the water per day, and the amount of chlorine used per hour, the water temperature and flows for each sample are also recorded. figure 2.14 shows a part of the recorded data in the form of a table. The amount of alum used per day, was determined by jar test, and the amount of chlorine used per hour, depends on the amount of water processed for consumers per hour. We are interested in 5 parameters of raw water for our study. Turbidity (TU), PH, Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Total Dissolve Solid (TDS) and Electrical Conductivity(EC).
Modeling Control and simulation of a drinking water treatment plant
by : FG Saber Published : PhD diss., 2012. |
Citation No.: 1
Views No.: 10
water treatment plant ; laboratory of Kirkuk unified water treatment plant
Submitted in 2022
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